Five general tips for new players: 1. You can't hurt your teammates in the starting game modes, so if something moves, shoot it.
The NextGen Consoles are very powerful machines. I hope to document my adventures, findings, and share the fun with other gamers.
Five general tips for new players: 1. You can't hurt your teammates in the starting game modes, so if something moves, shoot it.
Give this strategy a try and let me know your highest level.
Only two will I buy the day it comes out: GH5 and CoDMW2. The rest I will watch for reviews and sales. Christmas time is coming – and so will the discounts.
Also, the ones labeled ‘PS3?’ don’t have multi-player – so no real reason to buy for Xbox, unless LensOfTruth judges otherwise.
What's on you list? Did I miss something?
I'm interested. I'm a little concerned that the default language of the web page is french. Here is the English link.
What do you think? Do you want to meet up in Montreal?
Ironically, I plan to be in California the week before.
What do you think? Meet up in Montreal.
I bought my PS3 with ALL the above the less than $400. Now, which is the cheaper system? But I did get two good games. Halo 3 (my dad and brother-in-law play this) and Fable2 (my friends have finished this). For my birthday, I got COD:WaW.
I'll let you know if Metcalfe was right.
I continued from my save point (I'm at the last part of Valhalla), it did not give me trophies (retroactive), I will need to start over. The trophy list did show up under the XMB selection.
Honestly, I am not excited about starting over. I don't know if it is because the game is not fun enough or because I have not finished it first.