I was in a pub last night when a fellow gamer (JK) stated that there are no new games coming out. I had to disagree.
I present to you my list of anticipated games.
Modern Warfare 2
Due out 11-10-09
A must buy! Isn't it on everyone's list?
I have an issue. I may get this on Xbox (more on that in this post [link]).
Releases June 2009
I loved the first movie - it's part of my life. The game is written by and contains the voices of the original cast members (Except Ms. Weaver).
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Fall 2009?
I loved Uncharted: Drakes Fortune. This version adds multiplayer and hopefully improves the gameplay a little.
MAG (Massive Action Game)
No release date yet (E3?)
256 online players. Made by the SOCOM guys. It will be an improved SOCOM: Confrontation. ElMico is not waiting patiently for this one.
Available Now!
I'll wait for the personal reviews on this one. It's on my list...
Red Faction: Guerrilla
Out in June 2009
I have the demo - looks pretty good. Its main selling point is that everything is completely destructible.
Valkyria Chronicles
This came out back in November 2008.
This is a Turn-based-RPG game. It has gotten great reviews. I have a friend in Singapore who is encouranging me to get this.
Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time
Fall 2009
Another one from ElMico. We have every other R&C title. Anything from Insomiac is worth buying.
Resistance: Retribution
Out since March 2009
I know this is PSP - but it does 'infect' with the PS3 Resistance 2. As stated above, anything by Insonmiac is worth the price.
June 2009
Similar to InFAMOUS, this looks like a sandbox-destruction fest.
I'll wait on the reviews...
Prince of Persia
Out in December 2009
It looks like fun - I'll try to pick it up used.
Out on May 2009
I love Patapon, but I have not finished it yet.
When done, I will pick up this non-UMD game.
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Released in June of 2008
I have a borrowed copy, but no time to play it. But I want to own it.
Released on February 2009
A very different game: not a FPS. PSN download only.
Brutal Legend
October 2009
Jack Black as a Roadie. It looks like fun.
Fat Princess
Hopefully out soon!
I got in on the beta of this one. It's capture the flag with princesses. To make your princess (flag) more difficult for the enemy to carry, you feed it cake. Funny and bloody.
Dead Space
Out in December 2008
I played the Demo - it was hard. But I still want to work my way through this one. I'll buy it used.
May 2009
"Steam Punk"
The 3D fighting in the multiplayer looks very different.
Command & Conquer Read Alert 3
March 2009
I love the campy feel of this real time strategy game. I lost playing the demo - too complicated. I will get this once the price drops.
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Summer 2009
The gameplay videos of this looks really awesome. I normally don't play 'super hero' games, but I'd like to give this one a try.
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood
Due out in June 2009
A western FPS? What a neat idea. I hope it reviews well.
Overlord 2
June 2009?
I have Overlord - it's still in the plastic.
I don't know anything about this title other than it's history.
Wet September 2009?
I girl with a blade and a gun.
Battlefield: Bad CompanyAvailable for a while now
On online friend plays this and says it's good. A sequel is in the works.
X BladesOut now
Another girl with knives. If I can find it for $10, I'll pick it up.

The Saboteur
November 2009
"I know nothing-k"
Red Dead Redemption
October 2009
Another wild west FPS? Don't know.

August 2009
Another title that I am watching with little information.

June 2009
It's by 2K. Vehicle combat.

Assassin's Creed 2
November 2009
I got 1/2 way through the first one - it got to repetitive. But it was a good game. I'll finish AC so I know how the story ends.
Dante's Inferno
No release date
Looks like God of War.
Alpha Protocol
October 2009
Splinter Cell plus RPG skill building.
I will update this page as I find more and buy more
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