Fat Princess was fun. The beta consisted of one environment (map) with two playable games: capture the Princess and death-match. Playing on-line with friends (up to 31 others) was a lot more fun than against the bots: you can hide from human players, but the computer always knows where you are.

The colors are cartoonish, but don’t let that fool you: there is blood and gore. Happily, you can disable the splat-fest for the entertainment of younger players.
Locally, there is only one player: no split screen. In my house, that would have been more desirable.
There is a class system and a progression of classes through-out the game. I mostly focused on the ‘worker’ to build up the ‘warrior,’ then with the upgraded warrior I could sneak into the enemy castle and steal my princess. I was successful many times. I was thankful to the ‘priest’ class who can heal as you carry the large princess home.

In the end, I became board with one map, and the music began to grate my nerves.
I’ll probably pick this up after the price drop on the PSN.
Hmmmm, I have a strange desire for some cake right now...
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