Saturday, August 8, 2009

What happened to July?

After the wildly successful "What happened to June?" post, I thought I'd try it again for July. Again, this is off the main subject of blog, but it helps explain why I have been missing on-line. Every year I take a week-long motorcycle trip: 2009 was my 10th straight year. I've been to every state from Maine to Louisiana to Florida to Wyoming. This year was Colorado! Great motorcycle roads with great views. Those views became my undoing. That is what is left of my Gray Lady (BMW K1200LTi). Together we went off the road at ~6o MPH about 1.5 hours south fo Gunnison Colorado. Sadly, she was lost; I really miss her. Because of all my safety equipment, I was able to walk away with only bruised ribs. Shall we say 'severely' bruised ribs. It's been 3 weeks since the crash and I still have sharp pains when I breath; I can't cough or sneeze without passing out from the pain; and my ribs click and move. You would think I'd have more time for gaming, but sadly that has not been the case. It is difficult to sit upright in my chair - I get sore and stiff quickly. Enough complaining! I'm happy to still be here and happy to communicate to you through this silly blog.

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