I finished Killzone 3 on the PS3 today. I did it in three sessions.
My overall impression was it was time worth spent. There are sections I really enjoyed: there was a stealth jungle level that I really enjoyed (silenced sniper included!) and the snow jetpack level was great too. I was surprised how well I was able to control the booster pack. I call it that because the jetpack does not work like Don West flying around some desert planet, but more like Buzz Lightyear: 'falling with style.'
The cut scenes seemed so unprofessional: there were moments that were incomplete (How did I get here?) and others were very hurried. The swearing was over-the-top and annoying.
Malcolm McDowell did a good job as Stahl - the bad guy.

They also introduce a new female character. That's her on the left. She calls herself Jammer.
I still like the realistic movement, but the cover system was useless. I probably could have changed it in the options, but I miss the set up like COD for aiming-down-sights. KZ is more of a from-the-hip shooter. If you want to zoom in, you need to press R3.
I tried the multiplayer - well, not really. They have a BOT version. I figure I will cycle through the maps a couple of times to learn the system. I have no clue about the character progression.

After playing only two maps, I began to wish I had more friends on PS3: it was a lot of fun. Since KillZone 2 beta, I have been playing what Guerrilla Games calls WarZone. It is a cycle through multiple game types: deathmatch, domination, capture-the-flag, assassination, and search-and-destroy. The variety is great, but it makes for a long game. I'll play that more.

I do have the PlayStation Move rifle. I got it with the Resistance 3 Doomsday edition. I don't know if I will go back and play it again with that 'casual' controller.
That reminds me, I gotta play R3!
And finally the ending - of the game that is. Killzone 3 ends with a space battle - you are the gunner in a ship "on rails." The result of the story, at first, leads you to believe that the war is over - I mean REALLY over. But then there is a teaser for something more in the middle of the credits. No teaser here, this blog is finished.