I played up-to Guillotine. CORRRUPT. Played up-to there again. STILL CORRUPT. Looked up on web: Delete save file to fix. Started (and finished) the third run through.

The dumb:
I am glad I played BF3 - I will continue with the Multiplayer and Co-op (just started). But I think when Modern Warfare 3 shows up on November 8th, I will not play again.

Here are my impressions of the single player campaign.
The Good:
- I enjoyed the sniper level (covering the extraction team) and the horde-mode-stand in the mall. I also like chasing down Kaffarov in his house.
- I thought the animation was beautiful. Especially outside.
- Vehicles are fun. The tank level was very unique. Playing Goose was fun, but I would have like to fly the jet; maybe in co-op.
- I don't mind quick-time-events. But, next time, if you are going to use them, put more in: I'll feel like I did the action.
- I was never bored (except the cut scenes I'd seen before).

- Switching players - if I was Blackburn and Dima, that might have been OK. But Miller, Jessica, ...
- LONG load times. I'm sorry (#1), but COD hides loading with cut scenes. BF has long loads just the cut scene. Then ANOTHER load before the player takes control.
- The story was sort of silly. Why have the Russians, the Iranians, the PLR, the Marines, the US Gov't, the French Police, and ever other faction involved? Keep the story simple, I don't need to save the world every time.
- I'm sorry (#2), but I like the COD control system better. I was always confusing Melee and Grenade (LB/RB). I know this is just my history.
- On the tank level, the vegetation would POP-in a few meters in front of the tank. I guess the Xbox could not keep up. And there were MAJOR frame rate dips in the game. Also, I saw a lot of tearing during interactive cut scenes. Not good.

I'm trying to decide if I should trade it in - on Uncharted 3 or something.
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