Micah described it best when he asked, "Are you playing Call of Duty?" It seems most gameplay elements were copied, cut-and-paste, from the COD experience.
It wasn't all bad. I enjoyed the helicopter sequence (like COD:BO) - Adding a third dimension to a FPS was interesting. To change elevation: RB to go up, LB to go down. Too bad it was so short. The sniper level was entertaining as well (like COD4:MW). You climb up in a clock tower - Charles Whitman style - and cover the advancing troops. Again, it was too short. I suddenly get an RPG rocket in the face and I am forced to jump down. The rest of the game was a cover-to-cover advance sequence like every other FPS. They even copied the AC-130 sequence from COD4:MW. The only slightly original element was the Goliath. It works like a Javelin controlled robot. Select a target and it will go and destroy it.

The story set you up to HATE the Korean Army, but the developers don't do anything with it. For example, in a cut scene you watch a mother tell her 5 year-old son that everything will be OK, then the soldiers kill her and the dad. The kid runs to the bodies of his parents crying loudly. And many other killings and mass graves throughout the early levels. Then suddenly in later levels you are killing survivalist Americans. What? And you never get to payback the Koreans - your motive for fighting is not really satisfied.
If it were titled Homefront: the Revolution Begins, the lack of resolution and shortness could be forgiven. Do I hope there is a squel? No. Unless they produce something totally different.
I have not played multiplayer yet.

Later in the day, I also finished the Portal 2 Co-op experience. The credits were fun.
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