Friday, January 30, 2009

Up in Flames!

It's amazing how fast your weekend plans go up in flames!Call of Duty announced that this weekend (30Jan - 01Feb2009) will be double points weekend again. The post does not specifically say this is only for CoD:WaW, but that is where I will play. Also, two new games will be added: Team Tactical and Mercenary Death Match - both are already on COD4:MW. I was going to finish Tomb Raider: Underworld (enjoying it!) and watch the Cards squeak past the annoying Steelers, but "Duty Calls!"


Anguissette said...

Great weekend!
I did not play as much as I thought: Tomb Raider and nice weather got in the way. But I did level up to 35 mostly playing Merc Deathmatch.
Best game was 30-6 (kills-deaths) - my worst was 0-15 (first game Sunday night - Ugh).

Anonymous said...

Hey what did you like more in the single player, the Japanese or the Russian campaign? -Owl