I finished Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, and, to be brief, I really enjoyed it. I did it on medium difficulty (I don't usually play through a game twice, so I skip easy and I don't want to be frustrated on hard), and it took me 10 hours of playing time.
I really like the scenery - and it (scenery and story) takes a big change the last 80% of the game. I thought the cut scenes and voices were entertaining. The one vehicle level was the highlight of the gameplay (riding a jetski upstream shooting baddies at every turn), followed by the platforming. My least enjoyed part of the game was all the shooting - it was needed and it was fun, but there was too much of it. How many mercenaries are on this island?

Naughty Dog (the developer) didn't bog down the story with a lot of characters. If a new bad guy came along, the old one was killed. I liked Nathan Drake - an identifiable character. Elena was OK, but I would have had more co-operative puzzles and game scenarios with her (like Resident Evil 4+).
The puzzles were easy - hints popped up even before you had a chance to search. I'm not complaining, it kept the gameplay moving.
Some brief tips:
- Change guns often - you get rewards for using different guns.
- Always look for hidden treasure.
- Don't forget about hand-to-hand combat.
- An orderly attack: Snipers, Grenade launchers, shot gun (don't let them get close), and the rest. Use cover.
- Enjoy the view.
And there are Nazi's in this game - I hate those guys!
I bought this game used - that was a wise investment.
Will I go back and get all the trophies? Probably not. I finished this game so I could move on to Tomb Raider and prepare for Uncharted 2!
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