Sunday, October 31, 2010
Great Moments: Sasquatch
I'm going to try to do more of these. My main purpose of the blog is to remember the fun I had.
Minutes after meeting with yet another crazy woodsman in Tall Trees, I hear an ominous BOOM. "There is a legendary creature in the area."
I look over the the next rise and see a tall figure walking in a very characteristic manor as the eerie music continues.
I found Big Foot in Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare.
I was very impressed at how realistic is looked based on Sasquatch footage.
Yes, I killed him (or her) and yes, I felt bad. That feeling is the motive for the rest of this mission's story.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
5 Weeks of Games
My money and my time are soon parted. I'm in the middle of an amazing run of games:
- October 12: Medal of Honor (Xbox)
- October 19: Fallout New Vegas (PS3)
- October 26: Fable 3 (Xbox)
- October 26: Red Dead Redemption Zombies DLC (Xbox)
- November 2: Risk Factions (Xbox) Price cut to $5
- November 9: Call of Duty: Black Ops (Xbox & PS3)
To be honest, Fallout is for Micah23; I won't be playing it any time soon. I finished MoH campaign in 2.5 sittings (more on that in another post).
Most of these purchases will be through Amazon: I chain together the pre-order credits.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Status Update
What are you playing, Anguissette?
- Red Dead Redemption (Xbox) Campaign is OK.
- Gears of War (Xbox) Poor quality, IMO
- Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3 (PS3) Stalled, too complicated to be fun.
- Brutal Legend (Xbox) Stalled
- Ghostbusters (Xbox) Stalled, restart on casual - shows my commitment level
- God of War 2 (PS3) Finished GoW, it was GREAT.
What to buy next?
- Wet (PS3) I have an Alert on GameFly at $9.99
- InFamous (PS3) GameFly Alert at $19.99
- The Saboteur (PS3/Xbox) GameFly Alert at $15
- Dante’s Inferno (PS3)
- Risk Factions (Xbox) Online RISK!
- Sniper: Ghost Warrior (Xbox) Looks great.
- Heavy Rain (PS3)
- Allen Wake (Xbox)
What are you watching for this year?
- Little Big Planet 2 (PS3) November 30?
- Enslaved (PS3) I'm a big fan of Ninja Theory
- Limbo (Xbox) Cool looking Indie game
- CoD: Black Ops (both) It better have Zombies
- Fable 3 (Xbox)
- Metal of Honor (Ps3 or Xbox)
- Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock (PS3)
- Socom 4 (PS3 w/ Move) ?
- LA Noire (Ps3 or Xbox)
- Agent (PS3) Any info?
- Twisted Metal (PS3)
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Watching Credits
For some reason I always watch the credit-crawl after finishing a game or movie. I read every name (if possible). You learn a lot about who’s-who and the development process. When I finished Splinter Cell: Conviction, it lists all the names of the actors of all the different languages.
Since I have been lax in my reporting, here are the games I finished the first 6 months this year.

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Great game! A beautiful action game with an engaging story. I've not played much of the on-line component.

Still working on:
Perfect Dark (Xbox360) An HD upgrade to the N64 classic.
Red Alert: Command and Conquer 3 (PS3) This is hard.
Halo ODST meh
Ghostbusters (Xbox360) meh
Brutal Legend (Xbox360) The originality wore off about half way through.
Friday, May 21, 2010
An army of one
I played Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 last night.
You might reply, “Wow Anguissette, how is that different from 90% of the nights since COD4 came out in November 2007?”

Monday, January 4, 2010
One of my favorite Blogs Joystiq posted their Game of the Year list:
- Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (still working on it)
- Assassin's Creed (El Mico finished it)
- Batman: Arkham Asylum (loved it!)
- Dragon Age: Origins (gifted it to Jerrr22 for Christmas)
- inFamous (on my list to get)
- Call of Duty: Moder Warfare (finished)
- Shadow Complex
- Borderlands (almost done)
- 'Splosion Man
- Little King's Story
Never played 7, 9, 10 - and I have no interest.
I would add:
- Call of Duty: World at War Map Pack 3 - We still play this game often.
- Rockband: The Beatles - It was a joy to play through.
- KillZone 2 - Honorable mention.
Also, two games I played that came out before 2009 that I though were spectacular:
- Bioshock
- Fable 2
I'm not going to make a new list, but B:AA would be on the top. It might change after I finish U2:AT.
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