While here in Singapore, I had the awesome privilege of having dinner in a coworker’s home. I enjoyed a wonderful ‘Northern Chinese’ meal. And my coworker’s wife, Linda, was a pleasant hostess and a beautifully charming woman.

But why am I telling you this in my PS3 blog? They also own a PlayStation3.
It had been over 17 days since I last played my PS3 (no, that’s not 100% true: I played briefly at a duty free shop in Sydney airport). My fingers were itching to get back to the action.

First let me tell you about a difference I found. The actions of the X and O buttons were switched – most notably in the XMB. This drove me nuts because I had to think rather than zip through choices by instinct. It also appeared in all the in-game menus – Select and Back were swapped. It must be a difference between the USA and Asian builds of the software.
I began playing Little Big Planet. I introduced another co-worker to video games – she claimed to have never played them before. Starting with a cute game like LBP was the right move; very soon she was in full control and navigating through the beginning levels.
Thank you ShuYun for letting me introduce you to the joys of gaming. Everyone in the room was laughing at the antics and actions of Sack Boy and Sack Girl.

We made it through 2 ½ continents before switching to the more mature Call of Duty: World at War.
My co-worker – who is farther than me in story mode – had never played multi-player online. I only played two games of DeathMatch to introduce him to the concept; then we moved to split screen co-operative mode. The violence, foul language, and subject matter did not have the same crowd-pleasing effect that LBP had. (LOL) We quickly switched to passing the controller around while playing some arcade classics.
What a fabulous evening of food, fun, and friendship.
After laying siege to North America, “Anguissette” has gone multinational from Singapore. Gamers are the same wherever you find them – except for that X and O swap.
1 comment:
via email:
Thanks for your nice words for my wife. Linda and I like the chocolate very much and enjoyed the time with you.
We learnt a lot about the PS3. It seems that PS3 has so many functions we haven't used.
Now Linda is worrying that I would spend more time on PS3, ha ha.... ^_^.
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