I go to the library every Saturday. I sometimes get books (I prefer to buy and save every book I read), but mostly music CDs (Yes, I rip them - If I like them, I buy them later) and DVDs (including BlueRay). As I was walking to the check-out, I saw The Orange Box. I thought, "Wow, they have tOB for PC - I'd like to try Garry's Mod." I've enjoyed Orange Box on PS3 (except for slow load times), but I feel I am missing something not owning it on the PC. Portal is great!
But, to my surprise, it is for the PS3!
What? It's true: my library's have PS3 games for loan.
There are specific rules:
- You can't reserve or hold PS3 games
- You can only keep them for 1 week
- You cannot renew them
- You cannot request a transfer from another county library
So I borrowed Prince Caspian, Sega Tennis, and Warhawk.
tCoN:PC felt like The Lord of the Rings games for PS2. A few good puzzles, but it more felt like work than playtime. The movie cuts-scenes were interesting - it made me want to watch the movie again.
SST was a tennis game, as you would expect. I was hoping the SixAxis would be used to make it like the Wii, but No.
Warhawk - now I know what all the buzz is about. I earned a few trophies and I think I will need to borrow this again when I have more time or maybe even buy it.
This Saturday I am going to try and pick-up Assassin's Creed , I've been desirous to try that RPG out.
The purpose of writing: Check out your local library - you may find some PS3 gold.
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