Tuesday, September 30, 2008
"I have your barrel."
One of the purposes of this blog is to remember some of my great gaming moments. One happened this past weekend playing Metal Gear Solid: Guns of the Patriots with ElMico.
On Saturday, we sat through hours of cut scenes and finished Act 1. Kojima is known for his crude, childish humor. When we first see Akiba, he is 'busy' hiding in a barrel. Later in the game, when Meryl Silverburgh introduces us to Akiba, ElMico says (using Snake's cigarette voice), "I have your barrel."
I was laughing - almost crying.
In the midst of a game with its serious themes of war, death, and bad relationships there is this comic relief - most of the time it is distracting - I don't like it. It brings me back to reality when I'd rather stay immersed. But accolades to ElMico for bringing it to a zenith and reminding me that I play games for fun.
We continue to have fun with the barrel: running people over and vomiting our breakfast.

Friday, September 19, 2008
PS3 games for FREE?

I go to the library every Saturday. I sometimes get books (I prefer to buy and save every book I read), but mostly music CDs (Yes, I rip them - If I like them, I buy them later) and DVDs (including BlueRay). As I was walking to the check-out, I saw The Orange Box. I thought, "Wow, they have tOB for PC - I'd like to try Garry's Mod." I've enjoyed Orange Box on PS3 (except for slow load times), but I feel I am missing something not owning it on the PC. Portal is great!
But, to my surprise, it is for the PS3!
What? It's true: my library's have PS3 games for loan.
There are specific rules:
- You can't reserve or hold PS3 games
- You can only keep them for 1 week
- You cannot renew them
- You cannot request a transfer from another county library
So I borrowed Prince Caspian, Sega Tennis, and Warhawk.
tCoN:PC felt like The Lord of the Rings games for PS2. A few good puzzles, but it more felt like work than playtime. The movie cuts-scenes were interesting - it made me want to watch the movie again.
SST was a tennis game, as you would expect. I was hoping the SixAxis would be used to make it like the Wii, but No.
Warhawk - now I know what all the buzz is about. I earned a few trophies and I think I will need to borrow this again when I have more time or maybe even buy it.
This Saturday I am going to try and pick-up Assassin's Creed , I've been desirous to try that RPG out.
The purpose of writing: Check out your local library - you may find some PS3 gold.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
MGS4 - Just Started

There is an 8 minute load to the HDD - not a problem - anything that will make load times faster. But here is what is funny: While the game is installing, we get to watch Snake smoke a cigarette. The funny part is Konami decided to display all the legal warnings for us to read while we wait. I read "Take a break for 15 minutes for every hour of gameplay," "Play in a well lit room," and (are you ready?) "Dispose of cigarette butts in an ashtray."
All these health warnings, while a guy is harming his lungs. I don't mind it - I don't smoke and everyone has a right to smoke - I just thought it was funny. Maybe it was supposed to be just that.

I started playing with fellow gamer ElMico. After about 2 hours, we estimated we played about 1/2 an hour. There were a lot of cut screens and movies.
We laughed the most after we got the box. It is so funny just to watch the box bounce along the ground with Snake inside. "Hey, how did this box get here?" I was crying.

It looks like I will need to buy this game.
COD4 Double Points Weekend

As many of you know, I enjoy COD4. After I finished the game, I moved to the on-line multiplayer experience -- and I never looked back. I've lost a lot of sleep since then.
This weekend, 19-21 September 2008, Infinity Ward is offering double expericene points in the game. Also, in the PSN store, the Variety Map Pack will be half-price!
I got my information from a IW developer here:
I'll be on-line as much as I can! If you see me - Invite me into your game.
PSN ID: Anguissette
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