- Begin the round by standing in Teleporter C. In preparation, put at least two betties in Sophia’s Tunnel (the tunnel just to the North of the teleporter). Defend yourself from inside the teleporter until you feel uncomfortable – I wait until I get hit once – then activate the teleporter and get out of there!
- You will arrive at the Mainframe with a few seconds to reload and recover. The bonus will appear in courtyard. A pre-determined person will run there to collect the perk. Careful, it could be a dog.
- The rest of the party heads toward the Thompson side. You will need to protect the person getting the bonus, so shoot down the hallway toward the Speed Cola machine. When the party is reunited, run into the Thompson room (Auto Garage) and up the stairs.
- Making a stand at the bridge is optional. ElMico likes to shoot down the stairs. I run over to the edge and shoot incoming zombies until I need to reload. Drop down to the courtyard (by the electric switch) when you are ready – as always, it is better to move quickly than wait for trouble.
- In the courtyard you can make a short stand. In the higher levels you may want to activate the electric fence. Don’t dawdle here – always drift toward Transporter C. Be careful, this is the first time you can be surprised by zombies behind you (usually one or two). If you are at the end of the round, this is where you will like to make a crawler.If not – head for Transporter C (1) and repeat.
Other points:
- Placing betties at C is to protect you from zombies coming from Sophia’s Tunnel. They can surprise you! If we are ahead of the zombie horde while returning to C, I like to place another bettie. More people means more betties.
- In Teleporter C there is a dead spot to the right (facing out) – you cannot activate the teleporter here. Find it before you begin this tactic; it caught me once. Stay in the middle or to the left.
- We also like to pre-determine the person to buy the teleporter (1500), mostly based on who has the cash. But if you feel threatened or the designated porter calls "I’m down!" – make the jump.
- At (3) (Thompson room) you can activate another electric fence. ElMico and I have never needed to do this, but know it is there.
- For Dog Rounds, we like to go down Sophia’s Tunnel. You can also hide in the Alamo. With four people, split up and go to both.
- The highest risk is getting the bonus. If you don’t need it, be safe and skip it: after teleporting, run right to Thompson room.
- If you are down in the teleporter, you will be sent to the Mainframe when activated. Revive your down comrade there.
- Your mentality should be to not take risks. If you see a Max Ammo (very tempting), toss a monkey bomb before you go and get it.
- Stay together (especially the teleport) and communicate!
- There is no need to open the door on the Trench gun side of the Mainframe or the stairway up to the Juggernog. In fact that could be bad.
- A variant on this method is to go to the Trench gun side instead of the Thompson side. I personally have not done this. Usually after round three we get the Thompson rather than the shot gun because it is more versatile.
- It is possible to use this method while solo. But you will teleport a lot more often.
Give this strategy a try and let me know your highest level.