Good game, but buy it cheap. All-in-all, I was disappointed.
First let me write that I have never completed a Tomb Raider tale. I played pieces on PC or 16-bit systems, but never really got into it. So, I didn’t know all the repeating characters like Natla.
I guess my biggest disappointment was the lack of a climax. One character is killed by Lara’s Doppelganger – but revenge is never given. It was all handled too quickly in a cut scene – poor Alister. It truly is a puzzle game: solve the puzzle and the story is continued in the narrative.
The scenery was beautiful and diverse; the vehicles were fun. The puzzles were not complex (linear), but it did required me to think and explore. I cheated once and looked at a video walk-through. (I didn’t know how to “run” along a moving cable.) Gun play was automatic – with two guns and the Hammer-of-Thor, villains were not a problem.
I’ll probably go back and get the trophies I already earned before the patch came out. At least I was able to prevent the seventh age from beginning.